
Small Practitioners' Conference at the IStructE

The Institution of Structural Engineers held a conference for small structural engineering practices on 14 June.

Barbican Centre
Barbican Centre

This is what the future used to look like.


St Lukes
Plasticity in masonry

This is a Hawksmoor church, St Lukes, right by the headquarters of the Institution of Structural Engineers.

Cantilever house
Surprising cantilever

I came across this house in Cambridge last weekend. It is a very daring cantilever on a house that is otherwise architecturally rather pedestrian.

Cleddau Bridge
Cleddau Bridge

This photograph, from my Easter holiday in West Wales, is from the abutment shelf of the Cleddau Bridge at Milford Haven.

Structural survey
Floor lowering

This enquiry last week was to look at a house which my client was considering making an offer for, and where she had a very specific structura

Teaching at Southampton University

I spent yesterday at Southampton, lecturing engineering students on construction methods.

whipped cream
Oxford Brookes

Second week of crits at Oxford Brookes University, doing structural crits with sixth year architects.