
solar panels
Office refurb with solar array

I worked on a detailed refurbishment of this Oxford office unit with the owner/architect.

Lych gate
All Saints Church, Didcot

This job has been unusual and interesting - the task is to square up the squinty lych gate at the entrance to the church.

Update on Hughenden Manor Farm Barns

The roof is now on! The barn looks like a building, not a building site.

hughenden 1
Hughenden Manor Farm

Manor Farm is part of the Hughenden Manor estate, which once belonged to Benjamin Disraeli and is now owned and run by the National Trust.

Stable House
Self-build passive house

This project, with architects Taw Fitzwilliam, was self-built by our client.

Nuffield tower load testing
Lift for tower of Nuffield College

I know this isn't the most interesting photo in the world, but what's going on is quite exciting, at least for me.

Steel frame
Steel Frame (2)

Here is the frame discussed in the last post being installed on site.

Steel frame
Steel frame

The new opening in this three storey house is big, to give lots of light and open access to the garden.